Èone of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia, indeed in all of Italy: Coticcio Cove is a jewel hidden among the rocks on the northeastern part of the island of Caprera, the pearl of the Maddalena National Park, and is a true natural swimming pool set by pink granite cliffs and Mediterranean shrubs.

What has earned it the nickname “Tahiti of Italy,” though, is the incredible color of its waters: thanks to the particular combination of rocks and sand-white and very fine-the sea here is between turquoise and emerald,and has nothing to envy the most famous tropical seas.
A marvelous place, so beautiful that you will not believe your eyes, even more beautiful because, like all self-respecting secrets, it is difficult to reach, an element that contributes to the suggestion and magic given by this place.
In fact, to enjoy this terrestrial paradise, there are two options: one can arrive by sea, thanks to private boats, or by choosing one of the organized tours that, from Palau, lead to the discovery of the most striking places in the archipelago.

The more daring, on the other hand, may choose to arrive overland via a partially unpaved trail-trekking through the rocks. Be careful, choose this option only if walking doesn’t scare you: the route is very long (don’t trust google maps and its twenty minutes, it takes at least an hour) and completely exposed to the sun, extremely tiring not so much on the outward – mostly downhill – as on the return. If you want to undertake the walk, equip yourself with sneakers and a decent supply of water: your fatigue will be repaid by the welcome iridescent reflections of the sea at Cala Bianca, the first one you encounter at the end of the path and, after another ten minutes of walking, by the wonder of Cala Coticcio.